Live Scores WordPress Plugin

In the ever-evolving world of sports, staying up to date with the main events and their outcomes can make a great difference. It does not matter if you are merely a fan of the sport or following up on a wager; everyone will want to be updated whenever a score changes. The problem is that with WordPress, any manually added score can lose its validity a short time later.

No website owner wants to manually change that score, especially when there are multiple matches to follow up on. In these circumstances, adding a live score WP plugin like Live Score API can make a significant difference for you and your visitors. Find out why you need it and how to install our plugin on your website.

What Is a WordPress Plugin?

A live score WP plugin is a tool that helps you display live scores of different football matches directly onto your WordPress website. This will pull data from your provider, using reliable platforms to ensure your readers only get the latest accurate information.

A WordPress plugin is a good opportunity for website owners to offer dynamic content to their readers, refreshing itself every few seconds to maintain relevancy. Our live score API can be easily added to your website without requiring any coding knowledge.

Benefits of Using Live Score API

Here are the advantages you can reap by using our Live Score API plugin:

  1. Improved User Engagement – Having live scores on your website can help boost your user engagement. Visitors will keep coming back for more, which will improve user interaction. This should significantly set you apart from your competition, as you are offering valuable content in a way that sets you up as an authority.
  2. Better Traffic – When people know you have up-to-date information on your website, they’ll be more likely to visit your platform. Not only can this give your traffic a boost, but the plugin could also help expand your audience.
  3. Opportunities for Monetization – If your website hasn’t already been monetized, this platform should offer you a good opportunity to do that. As the traffic to your website increases, you’ll be able to monetize it using sponsored content, advertising, and even affiliate marketing throughout the content.
  4. Improved User Experience – By offering live score updates to your visitors, you can also improve their user experience. This way, they will no longer have to leave the platform to get the live score. They can merely leave the page loaded, and the scores will update automatically.

How to Install Live Score API

The installation process is very simple, provided you have a working trial or a paid subscription. We also have a Custom subscription for which you can send us an inquiry, and we’ll get back to you with an offer.

This is how you can install the Live Score API plugin on your WordPress:

  1. Start the Installation Process – The first thing you should do is go to the WordPress dashboard, where you will find the controls you need to add the live score. You’ll see the “Plugin” section there, which allows you to make new additions to the website.
  2. Add the Plugin – Once you find the section you need, click on the “Add New” button, which opens up a new page. You’ll have to upload the API in .zip format, which will be provided to you by email. After that, you must activate the plugin to make it functional.
  3. Configure the Plugin – Now that the plugin has been activated, you’ll find it in your WP dashboard. The next step is to configure it. You’ll have to add the API key and the API secret, which you can find on your live score subscription page.
  4. Configure the Cache – After you add the API key and the secret, you’ll have to configure the Cache. This will determine how often the plugin will pull information from the data server. You can select a variety of presets, from one second to 30, if you wish. While it may be tempting to select one second, remember that this could cause the server to send too many requests and crash. Also, based on your subscription, you’ll be allowed a certain number of daily requests (14,500 requests for the Starter package and 50,000 requests for the Professional subscription). For the most part, around 15-20 seconds is sufficient. Save all of the changes to put everything in motion. Once you do so, the plugin should automatically refresh the live scores that you keep on your website.
  5. Verify that the Plugin Is Working – Once the plugin has been configured, it is time to make sure everything functions accordingly. Run a test within the plugin to see how it works. This step is essential because it ensures it communicates seamlessly with the platform for the Live Score API. If you see that the plugin works fine, leave it as it is. However, if you make any changes, don’t forget to save the data once again. Each website is different, so contact us if you have any issues, and we’ll help you.
  6. Integrate the Shortcode – With everything tested and done, the last thing you’ll want to do is add the live scores to your WordPress website. You’ll have to use a shortcode given to you through the plugin, which you can integrate into your page or a specific post. Once the WP plugin is live, website visitors should be able to see real-time updates on potential matches, scores, team information, and more. This should spare them the need to look up the information manually, improving their browsing experience.

The Bottom Line

Installing our Live Score API into your website is straightforward and should take no longer than a couple of minutes. Once it is done, visitors should be able to enjoy live scores at any given moment, improving user engagement and overall traffic.