3 Football gifts that nobody wants to receive

Christmas is approaching soon! And what is harder than finding the perfect gifts for your friends, family or significant other?

We cannot promise you that you will find the perfect gift thanks to us, but if your target is a football fan we have a list with some “no no gifts” that we are sure he/she does not want to receive. How do we know? Because we asked them personally!

“A football jersey or item of a team I hate”


Make sure to know which team your friend supports and who are the team’s natural antagonists. Nothing worse could happen to a Barcelona fan than to unpack a Real Madrid jersey.

“A ticket for a match of two teams I don’t like”


Because it’s really unpleasant to watch a team you don’t like winning a match, and in a game with two of them playing against each other is statistically hard to be satisfied. They can’t both lose, right?

“A weekly Sunday subscription to anything not football related would be my nightmare”


Your friend may have never said out loud, but he already has a weekly Sunday appointment. It isn’t the cinema, neither the theatre. It is football. So if you are really friend with that person, do not take away from him the chance to spend the football day by definition watching matches on the couch, or -even better- at the stadium.

To defeat the uncertainty due to Christmas gifts, follow these advices and you will avoid to turn a nice thought into a tragedy.